Fabulous Delicious Nutritious Figs

Fresh juicy exotic figs are delicious and are also superfoods that have been around since 8,000 BC. Dried figs are tasty too and filled with even more nutrients than the fresh ones.

The Middle East has thrived on figs and has used them in their cooking and to help heal many health concerns.

“Eat it as it cures various diseases among which are Piles, Gout and Arthritis ~ Abu Darda, companion of Rasulullah 

5 Health Benefits of Figs

  1. Reliefs Sore Throats

    The fig fruit and leaves have been to relieve sore throats. A Korean study found that fig leaves destroyed oral bacteria.

  2. Helps with Weight loss

    Being high in fiber figs will keep you regular and can help with weight management.

  3. Reduces Cancer

  • The phytochemicals in figs were found in one study to suppress cancer cell production.
  • The white fig dottato was found in another study to have unique cancer-fighting activity on melanoma cells. The researchers found this to give a new perspective in the development fig formulations being helpful in treating non-melanoma skin cancers.
  • Fresh fig “latex” has been found to be an anticancer substance with no adverse effects on the normal cells. It was also found that the latex in figs, dried or fresh, are helpful in treating stomach cancer according to research at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in Iran.

4. Lower High Blood Pressure

They are a good source of potassium, which helps to control blood pressure. “when people have an increased intake of potassium, a high intake of sodium is not associated with a high BP” stated in Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research.

5. Alkaline Forming

They are highly alkaline, thus help to keep the body in balance with the high acidic diet most people consume.

And a few more health benefits:

They are good traditional medicine for the treatment of anemia, cancer, diabetes, leprosy, liver diseases, paralysis, skin diseases, and ulcers according to the conclusion posted in the US National Library of Medicine.

Also, worldwide traditional medicine has used the fig as a poultice on tumors, warts, and wounds.

Dried Figs

Fig Nutrition

They are full of nutrients. They are a good source of essential minerals (calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese and potassium) and vitamins such as K and B6.  Also, they have almost 5 grams of dietary fiber per serving and are sodium free, fat and cholesterol free. To learn more go to Fig Nutrition.

Figs according to a study, are dense in phenolic antioxidants.  Figs and dried plums had the highest nutrient score among dried fruits.

dried fig has a higher nutritional value than a fresh one.  One dried fig contains almost as much calcium as an egg.

Please Note

Figs contain high levels of oxalates and may be a concern. When you eat too many they can be a laxative creating diarrhea.  Also, they are high in sugar and you know what that means, do not eat too many.

“Figs, if seen in dreams, denote wealth and prosperity.” ~ Muhammad Ibn Sirin, Muslim mystic in the 8th century.

Fig Trivia

  • The fig tree is a symbol of abundance and fertility.
  • Fig tree leaves are dried and used in perfume and potpourri as they have a pleasant, woodsy-green fragrance.
  • The fig is often mentioned as a sign of peace and prosperity in the Bible.
  • The fig blossom is inside of the fruit; there are no blossoms on the tree! There are many tiny flowers producing crunchy little edible seeds giving figs their unique texture.
  • Adam and Eve clad themselves with fig leaves (Genesis 3:7) after eating the “forbidden fruit” from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.


There is evidence of figs being found in six sites in the greater Mediterranean Sea region between 11,700 and 10,500 years ago which is stated in an article in the June 2, 2006 issue of Science Magazine.

Domestication of the fig tree began between 8300-7300 BC on the sites of Gilgal, Jericho, Netiv Hagdud and Gesher in the Jordan Valley and Mureybet in the Euphrates Valley.

Figs arrive in the Americas in the 1500’s by the Spanish.

Here are Three Tasty Fig Recipes:

Green Salad with Figs

 Green Salad with Figs – This is a very tasty fig salad with all healthy ingredients.

 Fig Jam – sweet and yummy.  This fig jam is so good on toast or vanilla pudding and even on ice cream too. Yum! Also, it is very easy to make.

 Muesli with Figs – great healthy breakfast.  Starting the day with a healthy breakfast is important and this muesli with figs does just that. The ingredients are all very nutritious and to top it off it is a very filling meal.

100+ Superfoods

Learn more about some of the healthiest vegetarian foods you will always want to have in your pantry or growing on your deck.

READ: Superfoods – Over 100 of the Healthiest Foods You Should Have in Your Diet and learn more about the variety of Superfoods we think you should have in your diet.

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3 thoughts on “Fabulous Delicious Nutritious Figs”

  1. Few months back I ate these for the first time in my life. They were tasty but never bought them again. Guess I will get them now. Thanks for sharing.

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