Future Of Our Food Is It Safe? Learn With Infographics

Is the future of our food supply safe?  Unfortunately, the short answer is NO!  It is not safe.

Luckily, there ARE steps we can all take to maintain safe food supply for everyone.  Check out this infographic below for some interesting information about our food security.

future of our food supply

The Future Of Our Food Supply Is In Danger

Something is wrong with our food system when almost 1 billion people in the world are undernourished and more than 1.4 billion adults are overweight!

Something is even more wrong when we turn around and waste 1/3 of all of our food.

It then starts to get really scary when you realize the world’s need for food is rapidly increasing while climate change is endangering food production. So the future of our food safety is a very important topic!

I am not an economist advising world leaders on policy.

I am a consumer and advocate, all I can do is control my own little world and encourage others to do the same.

How I Help the Future Of Our Food Supply

These are the steps I currently take to ensure my own food safety and those of our children. Do you practice any other food safety steps?  Before reading on, check out the infographic above and below for some startling facts about food production and what that means for us globally.

1.  Don’t Eat Junk or Processed Food in Packages
2.  Grow or pick my own food in season and buy locally whenever possible.
  • Much of the food we import for our grocery stores come from countries where people are starving.
  • Food transportation uses up lots of valuable resources.
  • Buy food locally from Farmer’s Markets. They are healthy for the world and they are also fun to shop at!
  • Everyone has experienced how much better local food tastes and how much more nutrients it gives us.
3.  Eat Organic as Much as Possible and NON-GMO

Large commercial and high tech solutions from companies like Monsanto have been promising higher food production for decades but many of these strategies have:

  • Ruined the health of the land.
  • Eroded our rights to freedom of choice.
  • Left us with uncertain personal health futures.
  • Eat foods not in the Dirty Dozen.
4. Promote A Plant-Based Diet – Less Meat Consumption

From the graph, you will see that meat usage is rapidly increasing when ideally, it should be decreasing.

  • Meat production displaces trees, grasses, and other year-round plants that absorb CO2 and capture carbon – exactly what the world needs. Read Nice Cow – Baaad Cow Effects
  • Meat production uses up and pollutes tremendous amounts of water, a scarce and diminishing resource – up to 1,500 gallons for just one pound of beef.
5.  Don’t Waste

With 1/3 of world food production going to waste I do my part on the post-production level. Learn more about The Deadly Consequences of Our Eating Habits

  • My waste is probably closer to the Asian and African yearly average of 13-24 pounds thrown out as opposed to the North American and European average of 200 pounds.
  • This includes not overbuying, and recycling, or composting whenever possible.
6.  Conserve Water As Much As Possible

Saving water has never been so important as it is now.  It’s so easy to turn on the tap, but imagine if one morning you woke up, turned on the tap, and nothing happened. How would your day be different?  I am always conscious of the water I use and limit the amount of water wasted every day.  If we all do the same we will be doing ourselves and the world a great service for generations to come.  Here are some easy things you can do to start reducing your water consumption:

  • Fill your dishwasher full before running it through.
  • Use a spatula to scrape your dishes rather than rinsing them all.
  • When you are waiting for your shower to heat up you waste approximately 4 liters of water every time. Grab a 4 liter pail and fill it up while the water is warming up.  You can use this water for many things later including watering plants, cleaning, filling up your top load washing machines, etc.
  • Check for dripping faucets. You could be wasting up to 20,000 liters of water per year!
  • If your toilet is more than 10 years old consider upgrading to a new water-saving model.
  • Turn the water off while you brush your teeth.
  • Don’t flush the toilet every time you use it. You have heard the saying ‘if it’s yellow….”
  • How about outdoors? Do you have a drain spout that could use a water barrel this summer? Check with your municipality, they may have a program to receive a water barrel free or for a reduced price.
Learn How To Help the Future Of Our Food Survive

Find out more ways of  Saving Water for the Environment – Past, Present & Hopefully the Future

I Teach Online Health Classes on All of the Above

People who are concerned about their own personal health tend to also have more awareness of the health of others and the planet.

At Real Food for Life, we provide in-depth information and free webinars on many health topics like the above and I also teach people to cook health balancing meals (using healthy whole foods instead of sugar and chemicals) which are:

Any more ideas on how to help increase the food supply in a healthy way? What do you feel when you read these infographics?future of our food supply

Interested in Changing Your Eating Habits?

If you are looking at ways to change your eating habits and help the planet, I have made it easy to start.  I have put my research into these two e-books that are filled with recipes to help you on your journey to a greener way of eating, which not only is healthier for you but also is better for the planet.

Green Means Lean E-Book – Teaches you how to balance your body’s pH simply and easily.  Learn about Acid-Alkaline Balancing for a healthier body.

Also, you will learn the principles of ‘Food Combining’  properly for the best digestion and slimness.

Later I created this one just on the alkaline-producing diet.

alkaline diet ebook cover

Alkaline Diet Principles E-book – Acid / Alkaline Balance

Learn how an alkaline diet can easily and permanently create a fundamental chemical balance in your body that supports energy, weight management, healing, and total fitness.

Contains the full description of the acid/alkaline balance and understanding.

And then a course to help with good digestion:

Healthy Lean BootCamp: Food Combining & Alkaline Balance for Regeneration & Healthy Slimness

vital healt assessment

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2 thoughts on “Future Of Our Food Is It Safe? Learn With Infographics”

  1. Yes, all of what you say here is important but the transition to a unhealthy diet I believe can be laid at the door of industrialization – namely the mass media.
    “Media programming” of the masses includes one simple policy. If you say it enough times, continually repeat it, eventually the people will agree. Therefore food processing spent untold billions to prove that important point actually works. Getting this to turn around is as “simple” as making people realize the food processing industry has been lying to us all along. So, yes, getting that point across again, that’s where our work is cut out for us. Oh well, we don’t have to worry about unemployment!

  2. Hi Diana

    It is rare content. I am searching some tips on health but I did not get any health info-graphic that really helpful. I like every points you mentioned as well.

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