What is the Healthiest Sweetener – Diana Compares 5 Sugars

Sugar! Yes – this is one big topic for many of us and certainly has been for me all of my adult life. I am a confirmed sugar addict.

In the following video, I compare stevia, brown rice syrup, honey, molasses, and agave, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each. I also deal with specific questions.

For a more extensive list: 19 Different Sugars But Which are Healthy

Once you admit to an addiction; that is a good beginning.  An honest sugar addict sees that it is important to take practical steps; like not having cupboards full of candies, cookies or cakes made with sugar.  I have not bought white sugar for over 30 years.

I have spent a good part of my adult life figuring out how to have sweet yummies in my life without them being harmful to my well being.

The main one I use is a properly processed Stevia because I know that one is the best for my body as it has no calories and does not put my blood sugar into swings.  There are a few others I use occasionally.

This video is a snippet of what I have learned about a few of the sugars that I use and do not use.  There are other sugars I use occasionally but did not highlight them in this class as we were about to make uncooked sweets like Raw Apricot Coconut Balls and Peanut Butter Bliss Balls.

I had no idea that it was going to be filmed; Randy just showed up with his camera and started filming my class.

More Great Articles on Sugar: 

7 Tips to Reduce Sugar Cravings

Will the Real Food Sugar Please Stand Up!

vital healt assessment

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10 thoughts on “What is the Healthiest Sweetener – Diana Compares 5 Sugars”

  1. Hello Diana,
    I purchased my first bottle of SunCarePlus. This is the sweetener stevia that you refer to – correct?

    If so, why does the label say “for external use only”?


  2. I really enjoyed this article because I am a sugar hollic also,and I have been using sunrider stevia and snacks for my cure. I would like more varieties. Can’t wait for more of your articles. Thank you!

  3. Yes, Marlene that is the sweetener I referred to. Stevia is good for the skin and that is what some people use if for; in Canada we are still only allowed to use it externally even though it has been used for decades in food in Japan. All that stevia in the stores is there illegally. Aspartame and all the other chemical sweeteners are apparently ok according to the laws here.

    Bernadette, yes us sugaraholics really understand each other. Happy you are enjoying the articles.

  4. I find agave necter to be low glycemic and brown rice syrup breaks makes my blood sugar raise and stay elevated for a long time.

  5. Honey is a very health sweetener and you can use it to make cookies, cakes etc. But you have to find one that that has not added sugar on it.

  6. DIANA..





  7. I used aspartame based sweetener for a decade before I became aware that my sugar levels had spiked. On reading your articles, I switched to dried stevia leaves. However, my levels were still high but well within levels that could be controlled.
    I went off all sugar, alternatives as well. After six months of no sugar or alternative sugar, my levels are under control with a very strict diet. Now I am thinking about jaggery based sweets once a month. It’s more used in my culture. I don’t know if the spike that will give. My levels affected my lower lips which haemorraged a bit. I am just thankful that I was already using alternative so that I could keep it in control. I knew about the alternative as I have followed your posts and shares on bo th care 2 and blog. Thank you Diana

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