About Real Food – Learn How Nourishing & Healthy It is for Your Body!

Learn about real food that ‘Feeds and Nourishes You in All Ways’. Watch the video showing Real Food is VS what is NOT Real Food

Real Food Feeds and Nourishes You!

You might have your own definition of Real Food which will depend on what you want or need in your life.
You may crave energy. You may want strength. You may need balance or healing. Or, love and beauty for your lives.

about real food

Real Food is food in its most natural state; it is unprocessed or with very little processing.
It does not need a label or fancy packaging. Lemon is a lemon. An onion is an onion. Real Food is a whole food that is life-sustaining.

This video is of me showing what I feel is Real Food VS NOT Real Food.

Whole Foods are:
“Foods that have been minimally refined or processed, and are eaten in their natural state. In general, nothing is removed from, or added to, the foodstuffs in preparation. Wholegrain cereal products are made by milling the complete grain.” ~  definition from www.encyclopedia.com

Our bodies were designed to digest Real Food. The best ones are called Superfoods.

mom an child in front of vegetables

Benefits of Real Food

1. Full of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals to build and nourish the body.

If you research supplements carefully you will find that the better more expensive supplements provide a wider and more sophisticated complement of ingredients. They are actually trying to get the combination and chemical structure closer and closer to the whole food state. You might ask at some point: why not just eat the food?

2. No added fat

Too much fat makes you fat. The high levels of fat added to processed foods and junk food is the ‘bad’ kind that now has been shown to increase heart disease, obesity.
Nuts, on the other hand, have fat in them but it is often the ‘good kind’ that has been shown to help weight loss.

3. No added sugar

White sugar (and similar high-processed sugars) makes you fat, creates anxiety and depression, increases diabetes, heart problems and rots your teeth, and suppresses your immune system.
Processed foods almost always have sugar added to them since they know it is addictive and they want to eat as much as possible.
Most real foods (except meat) have carbohydrates in them, usually in lower quantities, but even if there are higher amounts of carbohydrates, such as in fruit, it is more slowly absorbed into the system because of fibre and other whole food elements so the sugars are not absorbed so quickly. We call these smart carbs.
This means you get energy but without problems.

4. No added saltreal food with diana

Too much salt is hard on the kidneys and creates high blood pressure. It ends up being one more toxin the body must deal with.

Real foods have a minimal amount of naturally occurring sodium which is actually good for the body.
Most processed foods have added salt to increase the flavour (even if it is very sweet) so you will eat more and eat more often.

5. Real Food Looks, Smells and Feels Great

I love strolling through the produce department of the supermarket or health food store is fun. Seeing mountains of reds, greens, oranges and yellows is not just a feast for my eyes, but for my nose as well. Even my body resonates with this offering of Real nourishment. I fill my shopping cart with these vibrant fruits and vegetables.

Going to the farmers market is, even more, fun! It is vibrantly alive with tables filled with vibrant green lettuce, bright red tomatoes, cherries and apples, fuzzy peaches, yellow beans, sweet blueberries, juicy raspberries and fresh pickling cucumbers. Just thinking of all of this wonderful fresh food is making my mouth water.

Paying at the grocery store is not as much fun: waiting among lines of moms, teenagers, and businessmen with their carts piled high with packages and cans.

7 Guidelines to Get on ‘Eating Real Foods’ Program:

  1. Don’t eat food products containing ingredients that are unpronounceable.
  2. Shop at the farmers market or grow your own food if you can. It will be fresher and have the most nutrition with no preservatives.
  3. Eat Mostly plants, particularly, lots of greens.
  4. Do not eat food products that make health claims. Mostly these processed food claims are untrustworthy. Remember that margarine claims about it being so good for us? Then we found out it was giving people heart attacks.
  5. Pay more for the best nutritious food you can find. This will sometimes mean buying organic. Much of the population who are overweight are eating way too much. They would do better health-wise by eating less food with a higher nutritional value and by eating Real Food that will be giving the body what it is truly craving: more nutrition.
  6. Learn to cook your own healthy meals. It’s fun! You do not need to be a rocket scientist to make simple healthy meals as I do.
  7. Eat a wide variety of Real Foods. Try adding new vegetables or fruits. You will get a wider spectrum of nutrition.

This article contains excerpts from my e-book. Green Means Lean

About Us at Real Food for Life

Diana J. Herrington is the founder and author of Real Food for Life

She is the author of GREEN means LEAN and Balance Your Body e-books.

Diana was a  Greenliving Writer for Care2’s over 51 million members and has written for a number of local publications (The Edmontonian, Edmonton and Calgary Seniors Newspaper and the Edmonton Woman).

She turned a debilitating health crisis (My Fibromyalgia Story) into a passion for helping others with healthy, sugar-free, gluten-free, eating and cookingBeing very ill for 17 years had her the health nut investigating everything she could to help herself heal. 

After testing and researching every possible healthy therapy on her delicate system she has developed simple powerful principles which she shares in her recent e-books. 

“My passion is to help everyone, young and old get real food into their bodies.  Out with the Junk Food and in with the Real Food!
I believe the day will come when people will look back and say: Remember when people used to eat stuff that came out of packages that was filled with chemicals?  I really do believe that will one day be true. I love inspiring and teaching others about Real Food.”  ~ Diana Herrington

Diana’s passion for real food has her writing a series of health-related e-books. More books are being created. 

Although Diana grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, she has traveled around the world, spending time in India, Japan, China, Tibet, Bali and Europe. While living in England for 19 years; she designed crystal giftware and started a very successful business, One World Creations Ltd.

Diana is available for consultations about your personal nutrition, helping you tweak your diet for healthy regeneration. You may contact Diana personally.

Also, follow Diana on Social Media 



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Randy Fritz, NC,  has written many articles for Real Food for Life and is the creator of Vital Health Assessment. randy 200

He has been teaching health and personal development principles for over 30 years and has personally helped individuals with over 10,000 body health assessments.

A certified Nutritional Consultant, Randy travels to teach seminars and workshops throughout North America and Europe. He divides his time between his quiet country retreat in Wildwood, Alberta and his home in Edmonton, Alberta.

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