We plan to have FIFTY to ONE HUNDRED tips here.
Please leave your own tip in the comments below and we might add it to the list!
1. Find time to relax. When we are stressed it is challenging on our health mentally and physically. Take time to relax; go for a long walk or enjoy a movie night with a friend or partner.
2. Keep your teeth clean. Oral health can play in life expectancy. Scientists estimate that regular brushing and flossing can add up to six years to your life, plus keep you healthier and save you money on dental and health care.
3. Be at a healthy weight. Being overweight will cost you your health. Ask your doctor what’s the right weight for you.

4. Be in the fresh air. You can do that even in winter. Walk in the fresh air and connect with nature.
5. Quit smoking. It’s bad for your health and cost lots too! Smoke pollutes the air and cigarette butts create waste.
6. Get regular medical exams. Good to get routine tests and physicals can help; best to catch a small problem before it becomes a big problem.
7. Look after you by putting you first. Busy lives make it challenging to make time to for caring for yourself, but it is important to have inside and outside maintenance now and again.
8. Find a passion. Taking the time to figure out where your real passions lie in life, whether they’re in playing a sport, caring for your family, following a career or making the world a better place, will help keep you healthy and active long into old age.
9. Turn off the TV. It is too easy to spend several hours a day watching TV, being a couch potato. Do nourishing things like take a walk, talk to a friend or loved ones or read a book.
10. Share meal times together. It is nourishing on many levels. It can help you to slow down and enjoy your food and you spend some time connecting with others. All beneficial to your health.
11. Eliminate packaged foods. Usually they are highly processed and have fewer nutrients and chemicals. Also, you will be helping the environment by cutting down on mounds of waste.
12. Spend time with love ones. Being with others is important for a balanced and happy life. It promotes better health and it doesn’t cost you a thing.
13. Get to know your neighbours. Most people are happier where they feel connected to their neighbours.
14. Pack healthy snacks for your outings or to work. You will be eating healthier and save money too. Also, you won’t be creating extra waste with disposable containers.
15. Drink lots of water. Water can help you maintain concentration and digest food. Plus you will eat less.
16. Give your brain a work out. Making sure your brain stays healthy will help you stay active and sharp into old age.
17. Have shorter showers. This will keep your skin from drying out so you look younger and healthier. Bonus is your water bills will be less and you conserve water.
18. Buy organic food as much as you can. Buy everything organic can be costly but some foods are important to get organic; see the Dirty Dozen list. You will be putting in less toxic chemicals into your body and helping out the environment too.
19. Drink 1 – 2 cups of water first thing in the morning. Break-the-fast in the morning and do a little cleansing every day.
20. Always eat breakfast. Skipping breakfast may increase coronary heart disease risk says a Harvard study. It is an important meal that will improve your concentration and also help you maintain your weight.

21. Switch to herbal or green tea. It has more benefits health wise then coffee. Good news is that is cheaper than coffee.
22. Eat more slowly. You will eat less as you’ll give your stomach time to register that it’s full keeping you from overeating.
23. Eliminate junk food. They are high in fat, high in calories and full of chemicals which are not good for your health. The heavy packaging isn’t environment friendly.
24. Walk up the stairs. If you work or live in a building, walking up the stairs is a great way to get a work out.
25. Make meals at home instead of going out. Homemade meals are healthier the restaurant meals and of course will you save money.
26. Stop buying bottled water. Keep drinking water, just stop buying water in bottles. Use reusable bottles and stop polluting the world with plastic.
27. Eat a wide variety of foods. This will give a balanced diet full of nutrients.
28. Take breaks. Whether you are working around the house or at work the whole day it is important to take a few short breaks throughout the day to relax.
29. Practice portion control. You will be healthier and save money.
30. Read food labels. Foods can appear to be healthier than they are.
31. Out your cell phone away in the evenings. Your body will love it and it will give you more time to be in the moment.
32. Learn to meditate. Create space within and it will relax you too.
33. Write a letter to someone you love. Nourish your connections with friends and family for longevity.
34. Catch that negative thought before it rules. See where it is coming from so that you can naturally replace it with something positive.
35. Take a long Epsom salt bath. This will clean out the toxins which if left in the body makes us old sooner.
36. Donate what you do not need to charities, homeless and shelters. Not only will it be useful for them but you will create space in your home.
37. Make healthy choices for disease prevention rather than treatment when possible. Your body will thank you.
38. Expand your foods by trying something new. That new vegetable or fruit or nut or…..may become a favourite.
39. Make sure you schedule in time for ‘you’ every day. It will be nourishing.
40. Clear the clutter in one place in your home. Make space for the new.
41. Phone an old friend to catch up. Our friendships need nourishment.
42. In the summer go camping. Connect with the earth and yourself for a healing experience.
43. Cook a healthy meal for a special friend. Sharing food is nourishing especially when it is healthy.
44. Create a vision board with friends. It is fun to do and puts you in touch with what you would love to see happen in this life.
45, Learn to tango or jive. Good exercise and you will make new friends.
46. Practice deep breathing. Doing this first thing in the day and last thing at night will keep you healthier, more relaxed and focused.
47. Grow your own organic vegetables or herbs. It is fun watching them grow and you get to eat fresh food.
48. Take a dog for a walk. It can be your neighbor’s dog. Dogs like all the walks they can get.
49. Keep a journal. This is a great way to reflect about your life and a good safe place to have rant.
50. Fill your life with positive people. Let go of those who are draining you if you can.
Try yoga or stretching first thing in the morning or last thing at night
Vitamins or supplements when needed
Great suggestions! An easy way to eat more vegetables is to make a big soup every few days, filled with lots of fresh vegetables. I eat several portions and freeze several portions for lunches and dinners later on. I make a variety so it is always easy to eat healthily, and avoid the temptation to graze on snack foods.
51. Get enough sleep. Add years to your life and protect against dementia.
Embrace solitude. It’s a great way to deprogram and detox your mind.
Walk more.
Find laughter in every moment no matter how bad it may appear to be.
Have Great Strong Faith that God who created you will support you always