Would You Die For This Meal?

Eating Madness – Diana’s short rant!

see recent updates on this story at the bottom of this post: 

I don’t want to draw too much attention to this topic but the
following two videos really irritate me. I have to say something!

I can hardly believe that people are making a business out of this.

In this  “A Meal To Die For” video by CBS,  Bill Geist visits the Heart Attack Grill in Chandler, Arizona, where you can indulge in the most fatty, unhealthy  meals imaginable.

Warning: this video may be disturbing.

A Meal To Die For

Really!?!?! What is the point of a meal to die for?

For a few moments of gratification; is it really worth it?  Some people may think that this kind of indulgence is OK once and a while but as you will read in Sarah Parson’s article – that is playing with fire..

The Heart Attack Grill Diet Program Can Change Your Life!

Yes this a joke, but what what they are promoting is not! And yes it can change your life….scary. As if that were not bad enough, read what they are doing below.

Obese People Eat for Free at the Heart Attack Grill by Sarah Parsons

“You wouldn’t hand heroin to a recovering drug addict. Nor would you drive someone with a gambling problem to a casino and give him or her a stack of chips. Yet one Arizona restaurant is doing something similar — offering free greasy burgers and lard-soaked fries to anyone weighing in at more than 350 pounds.”

For the full article go to: EatforFreeatHeartAttackGrill

I encourage you to sign the petition on Sarah’s page.

I definitely would NOT die for this meal!  What about you?  Let me know what you think below.

Written by Diana Herrington

Moral Bankruptcy:  

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) told the Heart Attack Grill last month that it should declare moral bankruptcy and close up shop—or transform its menu.

The letter was sent after the hospitalization of a man eating a “Triple Bypass Burger” and the death of the restaurant’s 575-pound spokesman.

 Read About it Here:  Physician Call to Shut it Down

vital healt assessment

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9 thoughts on “Would You Die For This Meal?”

  1. I can’t imagine. I simply can’t imagine. I believe it, but I still can’t imagine. Looking at this hurts my arteries. I will have a cup of calli and go for a long ski today!

  2. Annie Sylvan

    unreal how this blatant marketing is so successful
    I can sympathise with people who get tired of hearing how so much is unhealthy for humans to consume, but c’mon! It should only be available to a person ONCE and once only if they are so inclined, but no repeat visits!

  3. FREE WILL. CHOICES. I always marvel at people who want the freedom to do whatever they want but want to keep people from doing what they want because it doesn’t fit their mold. I doubt I’d eat in a place like that, but that’s my CHOICE. If I wanted to try it out, I’d CHOOSE to eat there. This food is not being shoved down the throats of every person on this country, just the people who CHOOSE to eat there. Lets try banning GMO’s, refined sugar, fake processed foods that we all consume every day, instead of trying to shut down one establishment that most people will never visit.

    I’d like a zucchini that’s not genetically modified, that’s what I’d like.

    At least the marketing in this ad isn’t false or misleading, like Taco Bell trying to pass off fillers and less than 30% beef as Ground Beef.

  4. Well people like to choose and prefer sometimes Food like this but it is bad . Serving Food like this ,in a Country with so many obese people and a broken Health Care System , not a good choice Places like this should be closed.
    Second ,it bothers me that fake Nurses and a Doctors are serving it,I am a Healthcare Professional and like many others I know ,we are not promoting or encouraging
    People to eat meals like this rather educating them to eat healthy,exercise.
    But if you ever had to pick up some body laying on the Floor and weighting more than 200 pounds , you will know what I mean.
    I will forward that Video to my colleagues and see what their opinion is.

  5. Appalling. Did you hear that their 575 lb spokesperson died back in March? He was only 29 🙁


  6. This reminds me of one and only time I got fired! My head nurse was over 350 pounds and I was a fit healthy 26 year old who wanted to share her ideas. As my boss ate her greasy double burger, large fries and washed them down with her mega coke I was repulsed and I think my facial expression showed it . As she took bite after bite, as the grease rolled down her face she spoke of her heath conditions constipation, type two diabetes,head aches, the list was end less. I looked at her double chin, her rolls of fat hanging between her legs, the crease marks on her arms from the stretched skin. I asked her how she felt comfortable lecturing patients on diet and health conditions when she was a walking advertisement for a heart attack. I was amazed she thought there was nothing wrong with her and she was beautiful as she was. My closing line to our conversation was “you are what you eat”.

  7. I have seen this before..it is repulsive, yes…but it is also completely honest; the folks who flock to this place to stuff their faces don’t get it, though; as it is so tongue-in-cheek that it is laughable. Kind of like the people who loved, admired and emulated Archie Bunker; the irony of his character was lost on the great masses..they didn’t get it. As a previous comment stated, one should only be allowed to go once to this place, if at all. I bet that the staff doesn’t partake of anything here..the women are lithe and healthy looking and ‘dr. jon’ is not obese either.

  8. Andrea Seppinni

    What one CHOOSES to put into one’s body as an adult is an individual decision that cannot be dictated, simply informed. I recognize this as a plant-based nutrition educator and chef. It is however, unfortunate that once again a fast buck is being made (and a big joke) off of someone else’s addiction.

    Staying the course personally, without condemnation for what one considers misguided, I believe, is the best use of energy and the surest way to create change in the long run. Feeling and looking good, as well as sharing the delicious meals I make with friends, are the best ways I know to spread the word about the benefits of a healthy plant-based diet, rather than railing against those who continue down the SAD path.

  9. Isreal Schutte

    The heart muscle requires a constant supply of oxygen-rich blood to nourish it. The coronary arteries provide the heart with this critical blood supply. If you have coronary artery disease, those arteries become narrow and blood cannot flow as well as they should. Fatty matter, calcium, proteins, and inflammatory cells build up within the arteries to form plaques of different sizes. The plaque deposits are hard on the outside and soft and mushy on the inside.^

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