How to Stay Feeling Young and Healthy

happy skinny woman

‘Baby Boomers’ have been hoping the anti-aging magic pill would arrive but it has not.

We know that having good genes helps with longevity and good health.  But research indicates how we live makes the big difference.  There are many things we can do and not do, to slow down aging, prevent disease and feel young.  To feel fully alive with an abundance of energy is good regardless of our age.  The truth is that we make the decisions about what we do and put into our bodies daily.

8 Solutions to Help You Stay Young

1.  Attitude is Important

4 elderly silly fun bowling

When we act old, we become old!

“Age isn’t how old you are but how old you feel.” –  Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez

That sums it up.  Even in my early 30’s I felt younger than people in their mid 20’s. I thought I was being immature but this pattern continued right into my 60’s. I realized that I don’t act my age.  Many of my good friends are in their 30’s and 40’s.  Now, I am happy to say that I have not grown up.  It is wonderful to be ageless.  That doesn’t mean one has to try acting and looking like a teenager.

Studies have shown that those with an optimistic outlook on life actually live longer, healthier lives.

2.  Eat for Longevity.

  • Include a variety of whole real foods not processed foods.
  • Eliminate processed foods; they have fewer nutrients.  They are also full of chemicals that cause inflammation which stresses the body systems from functioning well.
  • Add a variety of vegetables to your lunch and dinner; the vegetable should make up three quarters of your meal.
  • Eat 2 – 3 fruits daily.
  • Add healthy fats (coconut oil, cold pressed, olive oil, cold pressed, avocados, almonds, and walnuts).
  • Eliminate trans fats and reduce saturated fats from animal products.
  • Control the salt habit. The average American eats twice what they should!
  • Try going one day a week meatless. Try Meatless Monday.

    By Clive Mealy Photography
    By Clive Mealy Photography

3.  Get Enough Sleep and Rest

  • Poor sleep quality may be linked to increased build-up of beta-amyloid plaques in the brains of older adults – a sign of Alzheimer’s.”  This is a sure sign of aging. 
  • People who don’t get a good night’s sleep or who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to get sick studies show.
  • Sleep ‘cleans’ the brain of toxins.

Brain cells shrink during sleep to open up the gaps between neurons and allow fluid to wash the brain clean.  – Journal Science.

Older man doing pushup4.  Keep Fit

  • Exercise can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, increase muscle mass and reduce heart disease.

One in three people will die from heart disease. With exerciese you don’t have to be one of them!

  • Integrate a regular exercise program of 30 minutes several days a week is recommended and helps with weight loss too.

stress at breakfast5.  Reduce Stress

Numerous studes prove stress does speed aging.

  • Deep breathing can help reduce stress, increase energy, and lift the spirits.
  • Make Time for Relaxation or Meditation. If you have a meditation technique, try doing it in the morning before getting out of bed, for ten or fifteen minutes.  Or simply put on relaxing music, close your eyes and breathe, watch your thoughts don’t get caught up them.

Family Playing Board Game At Home With Grandparents Watching

6.    Be Socially Active

  • People with strong relationships are 50% likely to live longer. – Brigham Young University/University of North Carolina
  • “Social relationships appear to be rather important when it comes to health. Everywhere they look, they see opportunities to learn, build, and love.” – Zorba Paster, M.D. The Longevity Code
  • Join a class, volunteer, baby sit or meet for lunch in a restaurant.

7.    Keep Your Brain Active

  • Reaserch shows, the more educated we are, the longer we live.
  • Read a book, take a course, learn a foreign language, do puzzles and have challenging conversations for fun.

4 elderly laughing8.     See the humour in life!

  • People with a greater sense of humour live longer. – Study Sven Svebak,  Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
  • Laughter really is the best medicine!  It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, strengthens the immune system, reduces physical tension and relieves emotional
  • Laughter helps blood vessels function better Dr. Miller who conducted the study, suggested that laughter may be good for the heart.

“You don’t stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.”  ― Michael Pritchard

Are you ready for a long life?

Here are 50 plus  Forever Young Habits to help you.

At Real Food For Life – many of our classes teach you how to eat and cook healthy! This includes Gluten Free BakingAcid-Alkaline Balance, and Food Combining.

Check out the next Free Webinar:  January 7 – Learn how to Balance Your Body after the holidays and Stay Slim in 2014.


vital healt assessment

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