If you have a personal health story to share that you think could inspire and help others, we would like to help you get it out to the world.
If accepted, your story could be read by our more than 50,000 visitors per month, and our over 5000 subscribers to our weekly mailing list. You will be credited as author with your bio and web link.
The stories we think could help others are stories about people who:
- Overcome health challenges.
- Learn about themselves or life through their health challenges.
- Improve their live by changing their lifestyle in some way.
- Learned something significant about their bodies or learned from their bodies.
- 300- 700 words in length OR however long it takes to tell your story and no more.
- Write as best you can. You don’t have to be the next Hemingway or Shakespeare but DO watch out for proper grammar and punctuation, and for pete’s sake, run it through a spelling checker. Note: if you are the next Hemingway or Shakespeare that is fine too!
- No promotion of specific health products or treatments that you are affiliated with. Ideally the story must be helpful without someone having to buy something or start on a particular program but if it is a common program that is easily available that is fine also.
How This Will Work
Submit your story with digital picture and contact information to: randy{at}realfoodforlife.com
We will only be publishing a limited number of stories so yours may not be published. We will only contact you if we plan on using your story.